Norman Fiore

Dear European entrepreneur

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AI 50

Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Don’t be an ostrich…

As we head into the 2023 budgeting season for tech startups, it’s becoming clear that nothing is clear in deciding between growth and cash preservation. Since the tech market crash earlier this year, much of the advice from VCs to startups has been around cash preservation — mostly that having a long runway was in

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AI 50

Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Powering our real-time world: Why we invested in Ably

Real-time went prime-time during Covid. Going into the pandemic, we would argue, the average Jane and Joe happily lived their ‘real’ lives, from which they would take time out to dip into their digital lives — paying bills, shopping online, replying asynchronously to emails — before returning to normal life. Fast forward to today, and

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