Daniel Chaplin

Office of the CFO landscape

There has been an explosion in the number of software firms targeting the office of the CFO in the past few years. In the enterprise and upper mid-market, we have seen an unbundling of the financial functionality that previously formed a large surface area of ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems. Organisations are shifting a larger

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AI 50

Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Where next for the digital assets market?

The FTX revelations have sent tremors through the market during the last two weeks. The news has seen damage to the industry’s reputation and to investors — retail and institutional alike — who had exposure to FTX and the estimated $10bn hole in its balance sheet. There are still plenty of details that have yet

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AI 50

Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Embedding peace of mind: Why we invested in Cover Genius

In an increasingly digitised world, you’d expect insurance to have become more convenient, available and effective for consumers and businesses. But the global protection gap is actually growing. In fact, at $1.5tn, it’s widened 20% in just the past five years. It’s a startling figure and a symptom of fundamental challenges in the way insurance is

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AI 50

Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Another dimension: Why we invested in Omi

When it comes to online selling, the devil’s in the details. While the online sales boom — nearly 20% of retail sales worldwide in 2021 — is great news for brands, it’s putting huge pressure on the individuals who market and sell these products. Imagine you’re a content manager presenting a range of products. Whereas once a