Investment stories

3D and AI is a paradigm shift for creators: Why we’re doubling down on Omi

In September 2022, we shared why we were so excited to back Hugo and Paul, brothers and co-founders of Omi, as we led the company’s €6 million seed round. We saw huge potential in this stellar team. And with the ever increasing demand on brands to produce fresh and engaging content across channels, we fell in love with

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Dawn Dawn

Why We Invested in Bondaval: Q&A with the Dawn team

We are delighted to announce that Dawn is making a significant investment into Bondaval, the leading B2B insurtech providing digitally-enabled payment default protection to some of the world’s largest businesses. We are thrilled to be supporting Bondaval’s tireless co-founders, Tom Powell (CEO) and Sam Damoussi (CRO), as the company further expands its product offering and

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Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Baristas, bookshops and bikestores — how Flatpay is spearheading the replacement cycle for millions of merchants entrenched in legacy payment solutions

By Josh Bell, Nils Howland & Zoe Qin As fintech obsessives we never buy a coffee without checking the point-of-sale (PoS) solution. No barista is safe from our questions. That was certainly the case on a trip to Berlin a few months ago as we stepped out for some caffeine. The café was using Flatpay — and had proactively

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Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Tuning out the noise – why we invested in Onum

Picture an all-you-can-eat buffet. There is so much to choose from that it feels overwhelming. You fill your plate with everything in sight and start eating, only to quickly realise that you’re over-full yet unsatisfied. It would have been better — and cheaper — just to skip the buffet and order your favourite dish. For

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Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

The future’s Brite for instant payments: Why we’re backing the next generation platform to pay and get paid

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Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

FlowX.AI: The platform transitioning enterprises to systems fit for the AI-driven future

By Daniela Raffel and Evgenia Plotnikova Sometimes a partnership is just meant to be. In March this year we were already excited about FlowX.AI, a game-changing platform that allows financial institutions to build cutting-edge digital products on top of legacy tech stacks within weeks, rather than years. Enticed by both the company’s software and the vision and drive

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Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Embedding peace of mind: Why we invested in Cover Genius

In an increasingly digitised world, you’d expect insurance to have become more convenient, available and effective for consumers and businesses. But the global protection gap is actually growing. In fact, at $1.5tn, it’s widened 20% in just the past five years. It’s a startling figure and a symptom of fundamental challenges in the way insurance is

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Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Hedgehog unleashed: Why we invested in Raito

Here at Dawn, we’re big believers in focus. In an early-stage startup the possibilities truly are endless, and so it’s essential to do one thing better than anyone else. In this domain, hedgehogs usually beat foxes. Following that philosophy, the past few years have seen an explosion in the tooling for the data stack. First-generation data

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Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Supercharging hybrid work: Why we invested in RPA Supervisor

If you hear the phrase ‘hybrid work’, your mind might turn to pyjama chic or the constant worry that you’re on mute. But there’s an even more important hybrid work trend underway: the rise of human + digital workforces. With the help of automation tools — several of which we have previously backed at Dawn,

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Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Borderless tax compliance: Why we invested in Fonoa

Benjamin Franklin famously said, “nothing in this world can be said to be certain, except for death and taxes”, and online businesses are no exception. With easy access to global markets, these companies have grown rapidly — often unchecked by regulation. But at some point, like all of us, they just need to pay their

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Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Engineering the headless e-commerce revolution: why we invested in Medusa

Even as the pandemic-fuelled boom in e-commerce quiets down, the secular drivers behind digital commerce continue to push its volume up. Retail e-commerce is projected to reach $7.5 trillion by 2025 and B2B online commerce is a 4x larger market. Despite the breakneck growth of e-commerce, we are still in the first, or maybe second iteration

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Dawn Dawn
Dawn Dawn

Another dimension: Why we invested in Omi

When it comes to online selling, the devil’s in the details. While the online sales boom — nearly 20% of retail sales worldwide in 2021 — is great news for brands, it’s putting huge pressure on the individuals who market and sell these products. Imagine you’re a content manager presenting a range of products. Whereas once a

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Dawn Dawn
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